Mock Test 4 Created on February 20, 2023 By admin Computer mock test 2. Lime stone is........type of rock 1 / 14 1. Lime stone is........type of rock A. igneous rock B. sedimentary rock C. metamorphic rock D. granite rock 2 / 14 2. Sand stone is a A. sedimentary rock B. igneous rock C. Siliceous rock D. both a and b of above 3 / 14 3. The solidification of molten magma when it reaches the surface of earth results in the formation of A. sedimentary rocks B. metamorphic rocks C. basalts and traps D. granite 4 / 14 4. Which of the following has the lowest crushing strength? A. basalt B. granite C. diorite d. diorite 5 / 14 15.As per IS specification, the minimum time for initial setting of Ordinary portland cement is A. 20 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 60 minutes D. 10 hours 6 / 14 14. The process of heating the lime stone to redness in contact with air is termed A. carbonation D. oxidation C. hydration D. calcinations 7 / 14 13. Plaster of paris can be prepared from the calcinations of A. lime stone B. gypsum C. dolomite D. bauxite 8 / 14 12. Stetting time of hydraulic lime is A. 21 days B. 7 days C. 2-48hr D. all of the above 9 / 14 11. The process of adding water to lime to convert it in hydrated lime, is known as A. hydration B. slaking C. calcinations D. watering 10 / 14 10. The amount of brick required as per NS standard is ... A. 500 B. 530 C. 560 D. 600 11 / 14 9. The numerical value of MARR is A. equal to IRR B. less than IRR C. greater than IRR D. all of the above 12 / 14 8. The amount of money deposited while bidding a tender as a guarantee of the party's willingness of carry out the work is called A. earnest money B. security money C. performance bond D. retention money 13 / 14 7. Excess of silica in brick earth causes A. loss of cohesion B. impermeable C. cracking and warping on drying D. brittleness 14 / 14 5. The silica content in good brick is ....... A. 10-20% B. 20-40% C. 50-60% C. 50-60% Your score is The average score is 28% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0 Created on February 24, 2023 By admin Electonic Mock Test You need to add questions Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0 Created on February 21, 2023 By admin Mechanical Mock Test You need to add questions Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz