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Computer mock test

2. Lime stone is........type of rock

1 / 14

1. Lime stone is........type of rock

2 / 14

2. Sand stone is a

3 / 14

3. The solidification of molten magma when it reaches the surface of earth results in the formation of

4 / 14

4. Which of the following has the lowest crushing strength?

5 / 14

15.As per IS specification, the minimum time for initial setting of Ordinary portland cement is

6 / 14

14. The process of heating the lime stone to redness in contact with air is termed

7 / 14

13. Plaster of paris can be prepared from the calcinations of

8 / 14

12. Stetting time of hydraulic lime is

9 / 14

11. The process of adding water to lime to convert it in hydrated lime, is known as

10 / 14

10. The amount of brick required as per NS standard is ...


11 / 14

9. The numerical value of MARR is

12 / 14

8. The amount of money deposited while bidding a tender as a guarantee of the party's willingness of carry out the work is called

13 / 14

7. Excess of silica in brick earth causes

14 / 14

5. The silica content in good brick is .......

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Electonic Mock Test

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Mechanical Mock Test

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